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Synthetic Sapphire and Ruby rough materials

This is the most common type of synthetic Sapphire and synthetic Ruby which has been used for over 100 years. It comes in most colors.

It is a good hard material which is used in class rings, antique jewelry, and numerous other jewelry applications.

Amethyst rough material

Blue synthetic Sapphire rough material

This is an example of the blue synthetic Sapphire

An arrow telling users to click on the photo to make it larger.

Amethyst rough material

Blue synthetic Sapphire rough material

You can see the color better with the light shining through it.

Amethyst rough material

Colorless or White synthetic Sapphire rough material

This is a piece of colorless or white synthetic Sapphire sitting on a slab of Black Jade for contrast.

Amethyst rough material

Pink synthetic Sapphire rough material

This is pink synthetic Sapphire rough material.

Amethyst rough material

Synthetic Ruby rough material

Synthetic Ruby is the same material (Corundum) as Sapphire but when is colored red it is Ruby.

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Denton Anderson,
Gemologist & Gem Cutter
click photo for Video

Photo of Denton the gem cutter.

Graduate Gemologist, GIA, GG
Over 20 years of experience.