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Lapis set in ring over Diamond in tube

Diagram of how the inlay is inserted.

A jeweler needed to set the Diamond in the gold tube and to solder the tube in place 'before' we inlaid the Lapis.

To inlay the Lapis, we needed to drill a hole in the Lapis 'first' and then fit the Lapis around the tube. It is more difficult and takes more time to inlay it this way than it would be if we inlaid the ring, drilled the hole, and then the jeweler mounted the tube last. But we 'can' do it this way. It costs a bit more, because it takes us more time. But sometimes it is necessary to do it this way and we wanted to let you know that we can do it this way.

Lapis set in a ring around a Diamond in the center.

Finished Lapis inlay ring with Diamond

At left you can see the finished inlay and how nicely the inlay fits around the diamond.

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→  Take me back to examples of Inlays with holes we have drilled . . .


Denton Anderson,
Gemologist & Gem Cutter
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Photo of Denton the gem cutter.

Graduate Gemologist, GIA, GG
Over 20 years of experience.