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I faceted a Ruby to match the kite shaped Sapphire

A jeweler needed a Ruby re-faceted into a kite shape to match the size and shape of their kite shaped Sapphire.

They provided me with a Ruby with they wanted me to re-facet. Their customer had approved the color of the Ruby.

Shows a blue kite shaped Sapphire on the left and a red Ruby on the right which is a triangular shape.

Sapphire and Ruby to be re-faceted

The blue Sapphire on the left is the size and shape which they want matched.

The stone on the right is the Ruby they want me to re-facet

An arrow telling users to click on the photo to make it larger.

Shows the blue Sapphire on the dop stick and touching my polishing lap.

Measuring the facets on the sample stone

You can see in this photo that I have the blue Sapphire on my machine.

I am measuring and recording the angles and indexes of the facets so that I can duplicate the cut.

The Ruby is now shaped into a kite shape.

Faceting the kite shape on the Ruby

Here you can see that I have made the kite shape and am making the first facets on the pavilion.

In the enlarged photo, you can see that some of the polish from the original cut is still present near the culet. This will go away as a add more facets.

I am polishing the crown facets on the polishing lap.

Polishing the crown facets on the Ruby

Here I am finishing polishing the crown facets on the Ruby


Finished kite shaped Ruby

You can see that the size and shape are now the same.

Unfortunately this photo isn't very clear, but you get the idea.

The only difference between the two stones is, on the new Ruby, I closed the window, which the jeweler asked me to do.

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Denton Anderson,
Gemologist & Gem Cutter
click photo for Video

Photo of Denton the gem cutter.

Graduate Gemologist, GIA, GG
Over 20 years of experience.