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I custom cut this Lapis faceted cabochon

A jeweler called me and asked if we could facet a Lapis for his customer.

He gave me the exact size and the pattern that his customer wanted.

He selected a type of Lapis material that he liked from our Lapis page. We keep a wide variety of shades of colors and textures of Lapis in stock.


Finished faceted Lapis cabochon

Here you can see the octagonal shaped Lapis with a simple facet pattern which we custom cut for the jeweler.

An arrow telling users to click on the photo to make it larger.


Finished Lapis faceted cabochon

This is a closer view of the faceted Lapis

You can see the smattering of Pyrite going across the stone which the jeweler's customer wanted.

→ Take me back to examples of Cabochons we have custom faceted . . .


Denton Anderson,
Gemologist & Gem Cutter
click photo for Video

Photo of Denton the gem cutter.

Graduate Gemologist, GIA, GG
Over 20 years of experience.