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Cut Pear shape Sleeping Beauty Turquoise cabochon from Rough

A jewelry designer wanted a certain size and shape of cabochon cut from Sleeping Beauty type of Turquoise.

Sleeping Beauty is a type of stabilized Turquoise which has no matrix in it.

Photo of a piece of rough Turquoise with no matrix and nice blue Turquoise cabochon cut from that material and a diagram showing how they wanted the stone cut.

Instructions on job envelope

Here you can see the job envelope on which the jeweler wrote the instruction for how he wanted us to cut the Turquoise cab.

click this photo

Photo of a piece of rough Turquoise with no matrix and nice blue Turquoise cabochon cut from that material.

Finished Sleeping Beauty Turquoise cab

Here you can see the finished pear shape cab next to the piece of rough material it was cut from.

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Denton Anderson,
Gemologist & Gem Cutter
click photo for Video

Photo of Denton the gem cutter.

Graduate Gemologist, GIA, GG
Over 20 years of experience.