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See the Rutillated Quarts cane handle we made

The Colorado jeweler who wanted the Star Rose Quartz cane handle also inquired about Rutillated Quartz to make another cane handle. I told him that I had a piece in stock which may work for this project.

Shows a 4 inch tall large crystal of Rutillated Quartz.

Crystal of Rutillated Quartz rough

This is the crystal of Rutillated Quartz which I had in stock.

An arrow telling users to click on the photo to make it larger.

It was appx. 4 inches tall and 4 inches wide. I calculated after examining it that it was large enough to make the sphere for the cane handle.

Another view of the Rutillated Quartz crystal.

Another view of the crystal

In this shot I am holding the crystal upside down with the light coming through it in a way that makes the Rutillated Quartz needles more visible.

Shows a ball shape of Rutillated Quartz sitting on my grinding lap.

Roughing out the shape

Here you can see how we have hand-ground the roughly spherical shape on our diamond grinding lap.

Shows me holding the finished Rutillated Quartz sphere.

The finished Rutillated Quartz sphere

Here you can see the finished sphere.

Shows the Rutillated Quartz sphere sitting next to a dime for size comparison.

Another view of the finished sphere

This is another view of the sphere prior to drilling it.

To afix it to the top of the cane, it will need to be drilled.

Photo showing the hold in the bottom of the Rutillated Quartz sphere.

The drill hole

Here you can see the hole we drilled into a place on the sphere where we determined would show the best display of Rutillated needles on the top of the handle.

I plan to soon take a video of the finished piece so you will be able to see how the needles move in the light. So stop back to see if I have posted the video.

→ Take me back to examples of Gem Cutting jobs other than jewelry we have done . . .


Denton Anderson,
Gemologist & Gem Cutter
click photo for Video

Photo of Denton the gem cutter.

Graduate Gemologist, GIA, GG
Over 20 years of experience.