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Red Garnet rough material

Many people have found Red Garnets in a stream or on a hillside and thought they are going to be rich because they think they have found Rubies, later to find out they are garnets. Although Garnets are not a rare gemstone, large and high quality Red Garnets can be hard to come by.

Garnet has a good hardness, although setters should be careful because the girdle of a Garnet can be brittle and chip.

An owner of jewelry with red Garnets should also be careful not to scuff them or chip them.

Red Garnet rough material

Red Garnet rough materials

These are some examples of Red Garnets. These are a bit on the dark side. I have these on my light table so that you can see the color from the back-light being transmitted through them.

An arrow telling users to click on the photo to make it larger.

These are a bit too dark for faceting, unless you want dark stones. These would be more suitable for cutting cabochons.

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Denton Anderson,
Gemologist & Gem Cutter
click photo for Video

Photo of Denton the gem cutter.

Graduate Gemologist, GIA, GG
Over 20 years of experience.